Governments must fight all forms of intolerance and oppression
I believe that the greatest individual right is Freedom of Though and that no one should feel impeded from their personal journey through life unless it harms another individual’s ability to express themselves. In fact I think governments need to step up and equitably distribute resources so that individuals can live their lives as they see fit.
In Chilliwack, I know that there is a perceived conflict of cultures regarding Indigenous Rights, Religious rights, and LGBTQ+ rights. I believe I am the best candidate to protect all of these rights and provide each of them with the resources they need to flourish in a just society. Our differences are not as big as we are told they are when we stand up in unity against a system that deprives us of our natural resources.
I support the Black Lives Matter and Defund the Police movements. My policies are designed to support the goals of these movements and translate them into real political change that seeks to eliminate the racism, violence and misogyny that is endemic in our policing today. First and foremost, we need to dismantle the institutions and cultures that are causing these things and I’m eager to work with institutions to implement their solutions for these issues.
Gender is a system of social categorization whose rules and norms vary. Colonialism is a movement that mobilizes capital, white supremacy and European gender norms, exporting them and forcing them upon people all around the world. The ideals and driving forces of colonialism have embedded themselves in contemporary political and social systems, including assumptions about sexual dimorphism, a gender binary, understandings of gender norms, and mandates of heterosexuality.
I commit to providing the necessary diversity and equity of services and support systems for all genders, especially for those oppressed by the current gender dynamics of our society.
Efforts to achieve equality include but are not limited to:
The principle of equal access to health care irrespective of gender under our Complete Universal Healthcare for All policy; this includes a variety of initiatives including fully accessible services for Two Spirit, transgender, non-binary, intersex and pregnant people in all areas of the province.
Ensuring that people living in all areas of the province have equal access to healthcare, health authorities will be required to decentralize more services and guarantee free transportation and accommodation for people and their families who need to travel outside of their home communities to access specialized services.
Providing free menstrual products and contraceptives for all BC students
Stream-lining and simplifying name and identification change services.
Modifying drivers licenses, BC ID, and BC Services cards so that a wider range of gender options are available, allowing individuals to choose which designation to apply to their identification – or not provide a gender designation at all.
Ending the practice of doctors choosing the gender of an Intersex child at birth.
Eligibility for people of all genders (and their children) fleeing violence and abuse.
Recognition of the needs and desires of those seeking transition housing in structuring housing options that provide both safety and a feeling of safety, both of which are crucial to successful transitional housing.
Ensuring culturally-appropriate transition housing, including but not limited to meeting the needs of Indigenous people, marginalized genders and sexual orientations, religious minorities, and racialized, immigrant, and undocumented people. This includes language services for people for whom English is not a first language.
Provisioning of transition housing that permits pet owners to keep this important source of stability and support.
Eliminating waiting lists through the expansion of the transition house system. Transition housing should never be forced to operate at full capacity; there must always be room in an appropriate space for anyone who requires emergency housing.
Ensuring that a majority of transition housing spaces are fully accessible so that there are no barriers for people with disabilities who require emergency housing.
Imposing a Fair Wage policy for all contracted-out government work that does not distinguish between male-dominated (e.g. building trades) and female-dominated professions (e.g. elder care) but provides the same floor wage for all government work.
Recognizing families of all shapes and sizes as legal, legitimate families, including ensuring that families are not limited to two names on birth certificates.
Restoring the Legal Aid funding system that expands the current understanding of familial, parental, and caregiver roles in pursuing support and access to minor children when relationships change or dissolve